AI for business in 2024: discover 4 main impactful solutions for global companies


Artificial Intelligence has been filling incredible spaces in the world of technology and, more and more, being a catalyst when it comes to efficiency and innovation in business. We have separated 5 global success cases of AI application in some of the largest companies in Silicon Valley:

1. Adobe: content generation

The "Adobe Sensei" automates creation tasks, such as content design, saving designers an average of two hours per project through the image cropping function generated by AI. 

With this, the extra time can be used to design creatives with more strategy, resulting in higher quality materials, fewer revisions, and more client approval. According to research, using the feature can increase productivity and acceptance of the developed pieces by up to 25%. 

2. Uber: dynamic pricing

You may have noticed that, at certain moments and in certain situations (like rain and traffic, for example), the prices of rides in the app increase considerably - and yes, there is an AI behind that. 

Increasing the company's revenue by about 35%, when applied, the intelligence is able to analyze real-time supply versus demand and modify prices by more than 2 times the original to meet the need for drivers in locations with many requests. 

3. Netflix: personalized recommendations

It's no wonder that sometimes it seems like Netflix reads your mind and guesses the movie you would like to watch. The streaming giant is also not left behind when it comes to artificial intelligence. 

Offering content suggestions with AI algorithms, which assess user viewing patterns, the innovation resulted in over 30% increase in user retention and 40% more hours watched by them. In addition, the platform's customers have become more engaged, despite the unexpected large increases in service fees.

4. Amazon: stock management

Amazon uses AI-based stock management tools to make predictive analysis of its future demands with precision. The result? More than 25% reduction in maintenance costs and fewer stockouts, leading to a huge increase in customer satisfaction. 

Furthermore, the increase in accuracy resulted in a 20% improvement in service rates, allowing Amazon to deliver products faster and with fewer issues. 

Artificial Intelligence for business: the new normal for successful companies

Regardless of the size of your company, if you read the text to the end it's because you understand the immeasurable potential that applying artificial intelligence can have on your organization. Knowing how to surf the wave of innovation and make the most of what technology offers can be the turning point your business needs to propel itself in the market. 

Discover the intelligent solutions of Paipe, a pioneer in software development and AI.