
iDEAL™ Methodology

PAPERON: a practical and functional journey, team and project management platform

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THE Dad always looked for different ways to professionals and teams simplify managing journeys, teams and projects, making everyday life easier simple and uncomplicated.


We have noticed for some time now the difficulty many companies have in monitoring projects, teams and doing analysis with predictability of the costs and flows involved in a project.


That's why we decided to join forces with PaperOn. A platform that was born with the mission of being a project management solution so that teams can achieve more assertive results and has the purpose of simplifying project and team management around the world.



Eventually you realize that your company, your activity as a project manager or even your work as a freelancer are being affected by the lack of control in its management?


Whether it's managing team hours, managing project costs, or even having to measure all these steps manually, wasting time that could be spent on other tasks?


To have various information of customers, your company and your team spread across different platforms, without centralization and without the possibility of quick access to information can be very harmful to a company!


This affects the business management as a whole!




Understanding “the big picture” results in the best long-term solution.


Thus, we realize that there are overly complex tools on the market, which are slowing down processes and team efficiency, and that the lack of clarity regarding project status and their estimated cost is not always ideally mapped.


Therefore, we decided to present a new management platform, with new practical and easy-to-use features.



First, PaperOn thought about how help employees to organize their workload X their projects, to not enter their hours twice or with the wrong projects and to prevent them from having inconsistencies in their time reports at the end of the month;



But how assist managers? A solution to better control the demand for budgeted hours per project, to have an overview of hours x projects worked by your teams. In addition to improving visibility into your employees' working hours.



And of course, without forgetting the administrative sector. After all, PaperOn thought about how they can receive reports more quickly, without inconsistencies in hours, and greater prior control over overtime and consequently payrolls. PaperOn has an intuitive and fast interface.



Additionally, the app offers several display modes, as lists, reports, graphics and dashboards of project management.


It allows the production of reports to gather insights aimed at improvement, as well as reports to assist in decision-making. Mainly the decision-making of the manager in relation to teams and projects, so that they have enough time to change strategy.


All this, with confidentiality Heydata integrity. Your documents and information protected against theft or unauthorized access.


With the technology developed, anyone can take control of their daily work. With a solution that allows you to simplify and automate business project and workday management processes.


Therefore, it is perfect for all sizes of businesses, from small businesses to large corporations. The platform is highly scalable, allowing you to increase or decrease usage without any complications.